이상봉 / Sangbong Lee

All rights reserved by Sangbong Lee 2023


Fire vessel 2

Materials  : 3D Printed housing, LEDs, STM32F,
                      Latte panda SBC, Custom PCB
Software   : Openframeworks, OPENGL, HAL, C
Year            : 2018

Produced with support from the Korea Foundation for The advancement of Science & Creativity, 한국과학창의재단, Seoul
This LED cube was made by referencing the form of a lighting device that directly handles fire among the types of traditional lighting. Instead of simply using the cube as a light device, it attempted to realize a completely different dimension of lighting through changes in the light source itself.

Lanterns and torches are considered to function as a fire in people's notions because of the historical context used in real life. By using the external form of these as a medium, it was carried out to capture the flame generated by the LED CUBE.  Also, it should be possible to reproduce the movement of the fire and its irregular properties so that a similar image of the actual flame can be triggered when a user looks at the device.

In order to convey the feeling of a real flame to the user, it is not enough to simply generate the fire. Therefore, it is essential to combine sensors that measure external state changes and reflect the user's behavior in the shape of a flame.

SangbongLee (c) 2012–2023